Thursday 9 April 2009

Barney goes home!

Philippa seems to have lost momentum with this blogging thing, so to round off my stay in Wiltshire I am (or rather she is on my behalf) writing a second instalment.

Well I feel like part of the furniture now and have settled into the daily routine. As well as also feeling like part of the furniture, I also often feel like eating Stan (the Welsh Terrier)'s food, Philippa's leftovers and whatever else I can find. But apparently it's already time to go back home to Cornwall. Philippa says she is going to miss me. I don't know quite why: she's always telling me not to do things. I think Stan will miss me too as he loves sniffing my bottom and licking my willy. I don't mind really so long as he leaves my chew alone. I don't suppose the cats will miss me: Sorrel has hit me on the nose a couple of times but I didn't really mind, at least he didn't take my chew. Philippa was quite surprised when I spat out the joint care chew she gave me; I suppose it is because I'm usually quite happy to eat anything and am not usually bothered whether its edible or not.

Whilst I've been here I've gone to work with Philippa everyday. Sometimes this has involved being a PAT dog, sometimes for the patients but more often for the staff! I like going to Waterford House : they are always very friendly and give me scotch eggs. I went to a meeting there yesterday. Philippa forgot to tell them in the office that she had brought me in because it was a bit hot in the car: they were getting worried that I might be slow roasting out there and were quite surpised to see me when Philippa brought me in (I always check their bins for them and also check the carpets for any food which may go off if left unchecked).

Anyway I hope to be back soon. But I am looking forward to a gallumph on the beach and to eating the contents of the cupboards in the utility room at Michael House.